Legally Approved Courses

James Love, Head of Intellectual Property (UK) at Womble Bond Dickinson
Anna has the great advantage of having walked the journey of protecting her own brand with IP, with experience of the dangers and pitfalls she has encountered along the way.
Jiri Svorc’s Legal Review

Qualified Solicitor SRA Regulated

Amanya IP Courses are a series of well-structured and immersive courses focusing on intellectual property – an extremely wide topic that is often not given the attention and understanding it deserves.

The courses are aimed at different proficiencies and are a valuable resource not just for beginners, but also for active creatives and business professionals whose encounters with IP extend beyond the logo on their morning coffee cup. The beginners courses cover the elementary principles of intellectual property, drawing similarities and making comparisons with the world of physical property, while the advanced courses go much deeper in the topic, also focusing on areas including IP infringement and licensing.

Although the contents of the courses vary, all of them are accompanied by engaging visuals, practical examples and case law summaries highlighting the significance of intellectual property and its importance in everyday (business) life.

Jiri Svorc's Legal Review Amanya IP
General IP Courses

Hands Off My Property!

Jiri Svorc’s Legal Review

Qualified Solicitor SRA Regulated

“Hands of my property” is an entry-level course on intellectual property guiding an unfamiliar audience through the basic legal IP principles by drawing similarities and making comparisons with the world of physical property we’re all too familiar with. The course will also take you through the most common forms of IP, including copyright works and trademarks. Amongst others, the course refers to a wide range of widely known marks to highlight the significance of the commercial value of IP and its importance in everyday (business) life. As a legal professional, I would like to think that my clients are familiar with these basic principles.
Jiri Svorc's Legal Review Amanya IP
General IP Courses

Don’t Steal My Stuff for Youth & Students

Hallam, an Intellectual Property Trainee Solicitor’s Review

Intellectual property is an abstract concept by definition and despite being coined by Mark Getty as being the oil of the 21st century, in practice many people remain in the dark regarding the nature of the core intellectual property rights and how best to protect and ultimately benefit from them.

Don’t Steal My Stuff provides an illustrative and engaging introduction to intellectual property, the value of brand strength, and the importance of being proactive in the registration and protection of your rights.

Having completed this introduction to the core IP rights, the creators of tomorrow will undoubtedly be better placed to protect and exploit their talents in future with a foundational awareness of the value of their own rights and those of others.

General IP Courses

Don’t Steal My Stuff!

Don't Steal My Stuff!
Hallam, an Intellectual Property Trainee Solicitor’s Review

Don’t Steal My Stuff delivers an incisive introduction to the core intellectual property rights, providing creators with a foundational understanding of what can be a nebulous and confusing area of law.

Demonstrating the importance of branding and the value of intellectual property protection with numerous industry examples of intellectual property exploitation, Don’t Steal My Stuff succeeds in underlining the importance of IP with important know how in relation to protecting an individual’s rights and fully exploiting the value of their craft in future.

Designers and Artists

A Beginner’s Guide to Intellectual Property for Designers and Artists

Jiri Svorc’s Legal Review

Qualified Solicitor SRA Regulated

The “Beginner’s Guide to Intellectual Property for Designers and Artists” is one of the most extensive courses in Anna’s series of IP courses and it goes far beyond a generic overview of intellectual property.

It maps this wide and complex area by setting out the various different types of intellectual property, giving plenty of examples from everyday life and providing clear guidance on the most appropriate form of protection for one’s IP.

Each section is supplemented by a summary of the key take-aways. In addition, the course walks the audience through the various IPO registration processes and offers valuable tips and practical commentary. Whilst it is absolutely suitable creatives unfamiliar with IP, the course is simply much more than a “beginner’s guide”.

Jiri Svorc's Legal Review Amanya IP
Hallam, an Intellectual Property Trainee Solicitor’s Review

The guidance on copyright and the various design rights provided in the Amanya course on Intellectual Property cuts through to the underlying legal principles whilst simultaneously providing a practical insight which will be of great use to any designers seeking to improve their knowledge of intellectual property.

The guide offers a concise summary of the key elements of each right and anyone who reads it will walk away with a renewed understanding of their rights and how to protect them.

It also highlights the common pitfalls individuals face, whilst encouraging creators to respect the rights of others.

An informative and practical guide for anyone who is seeking to enhance their knowledge of intellectual property.

Dr. Roger Lowe’s Testimony, an Intellectual Property Lawyer

Regardless of the size of your business, the nature of the goods it supplies or the services it provides, your business will create and as a consequence, it will own some forms of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs). The three key forms of IPRs for any commercial Artist or Designer to be aware of are rights in trade marks, rights in designs, and copyright.

Unfortunately, all of these IPRs are far from easy to understand, nor are they easy to apply to real-life, the complexity is exacerbated by the overlap created by these IPRs in certain situations.

However, help is at hand, and this Beginners Guide to Intellectual Property for Artists and Designers is a great place to start in order to begin and cement your awareness of the issues, and to build a foundation of your understanding.

The various examples taken from the archives of case law will also assist in your understanding of how the various IPRs are applied by the Courts.

Entrepreneurs and Business Owners

A Beginner’s Guide to Intellectual Property for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners

Jiri Svorc’s Legal Review

Qualified Solicitor SRA Regulated

The “Beginner’s Guide to Intellectual Property for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners” is an extensive course covering the basics of various types of intellectual property rights and demonstrating the significance of effective protection and enforcement of IP of any business. It does so by reference to a number of use cases and practical examples. Entrepreneurs and business owners will benefit from efficient key take-aways summaries at the end of each section. In addition, the course walks the audience through the various IPO registration processes and offers valuable tips and practical commentary. The course is simply much more than a “beginner’s guide”, if you are an entrepreneur or a business owner, the course will show you why the protection of your IP should absolutely be “your business”.


Jiri Svorc's Legal Review Amanya IP
Legal Testimonials USA

Intellectual Property in the USA

Ross Brandbord, Patent and Trademark Attorney

Ross Brandborg is a USA Patent and Trademark Attorney, who reviewed the content on all the USA courses.

Don't Steal My Stuff USA
Don’t Steal My Stuff! USA

If you’re starting a new venture and want to protect your ideas, the ‘Don’t Steal My Stuff’ course is a great resource. This course provides a comprehensive overview of intellectual property law in a way that’s easy to understand. You’ll learn about the different types of intellectual property rights available and get practical guidance on how to safeguard your valuable assets.

The course is structured in a way that builds fundamental understanding without getting bogged down in legal jargon. Whether you’re starting a new venture or looking to strengthen the IP strategy of your existing work, ‘Don’t Steal My Stuff’ provides tangible insights that can be directly applied to your operations.

By taking this course, you can learn how to protect your ideas and gain practical guidance on how to safeguard your valuable assets. This can help you avoid legal issues and protect your venture from competitors who may try to steal your ideas. Overall, ‘Don’t Steal My Stuff’ is a great resource for anyone starting a new venture or wanting to protect their existing work and looking to protect their intellectual property.

Trademarking USA
I recently reviewed Trademarking USA and found it to be the right combination of depth and speed, presenting a succinct and rapid walkthrough of the trademark landscape.

The course provided a comprehensive overview of U.S. trademark law, highlighting what constitutes a trademark; covering topics such as what qualifies as a trademark, and the procedure to register your trademark. Without needless minutia, the course stays true with the target always being the registration of your trademark.

I appreciated the straightforward, down-to-earth advice the course offered, I highly recommend this course as a resource I’d readily suggest to anyone who wants to wants a quick yet informative introduction to the world of trademarks and the essentials of the registration journey.

Lady Justice USA
Alprin Law Legal Endorsement
Anna is a stellar client of Alprin Law, always prompt, professional, and creative. I was thrilled to hear that she was designing a course to introduce the U.S. trademark system to the business world. Her drive to learn and to teach is unparalleled. I wish her all the best as she brings an important aspect of business to people who need to know.