
Hands Off My Property!

Elliana’s shares about the Hands Off My Property course

Thea talks about the Hands Off My Property course


Don’t Steal My Stuff!

Youth and Student Version

Lloyd’s Testimonial on the Youth & Student Version

Iris’s Testimonial on the Youth & Student Version

Olivia & Samantha’s Testimonials on the Youth & Student Version

Jo’s Testimonial

My 12 year old twin daughters recently completed Don’t Steal My Stuff. This was a fun and interactive course, which made a potentially very boring subject both relevant and interesting. Anna has created some great visuals to walk through the course with and a helpful workbook. I enjoyed the course with them as well! We all particularly loved the short video about Nike which gave us all some insight into intellectual property and how a logo design can develop and become a world famous brand. The sessions are short and easy to follow, both my girls were engaged throughout the course. From a home ed perspective it was great to have a certificate to download at the end which we can add to their portfolio of learning. Thank you.


Don’t Steal My Stuff!

Adult Version

Anna’s Testimonial on the Adult Version

David’s Testimonial on the Adult Version

Ali’s Testimonial on the Adult Version

Gareth’s Testimonial
I completed the course and I found it very, very informative about the rabbit hole that is intellectual property. I found it very, very interesting and very informative as to what it’s all about. It gave me a great deal of insight as to how I need to approach things and the pitfalls that could be coming up for me. I’d recommend anybody that’s looking to protect their intellectual property to do the course. You won’t be disappointed.

Don’t Steal My Stuff!

Adult USA Version

Lonette’s Testimonial on the USA Version

Rebecca’s Testimonial
This course was extremely insightful and helpful. I didn’t realize how many things I am currently working on that could be in such jeopardy of infringement! I knew of course the music and writing needed to be protected, but I didn’t realize other things that I should be protecting to be able to make or keep income from in the future. I’m also grateful to know that I am already protecting myself in documenting content and I wasn’t aware I was documenting! It’s good to know that I’m already setting in motion things that I needed to protect It’s like having income and insurance in your pocket that you didn’t know you had! I love the videos and not only are they very insightful, but the are beautifully laid out and engaging. Even the music and descriptions were something I really enjoyed and made learning the content easy and simple. I also loved the stories of the companies you used as it related to everyday products and kept the content interesting as well. The list of things that could be protected were things I had not thought of. I found that a bit shocking actually that there are so many ways we can protect what we are designing, creating and working on. I guess I always thought it was for the bigger companies to protect, but not for someone just starting. Thank you for opening my eyes to areas I actually need to protect and thank you for such engaging course content! I would definitely be happy to suggest this course for others to take as a way to educate themselves on infringement. I feel it is a much needed course for anyone who is working on building a business with any type of product or content to be shared.
Dee’s Testimonial

This course was GENIUS! It managed to bridge the gap between informative, time friendly and captivating. I knew a few things about intellectual property but I now see it was very minor, and for those that have business aspirations of any kind I recommend this course, it will save you a lot of headache down the road and protect you and your brand.


A Beginner’s Guide to Intellectual Property FREE Webinars

Charlotte talks about the importance of keeping records Bite Size

Derrick shares how important learning about IP was to him Bite Size

Daniel shares about what he already knew about IP before he did the Designers and Artists course

Hallam from Virtuoso Legals talks about the importance of going to the right places Bite Size


A Beginner’s Guide to Intellectual Property for Designers and Artists

Esther loved the Beginner’s Guide to IP for Designers and Artists

Derrick’s testimonial on the Intellectual Property Course Bite Size

Charlotte’s testimonial on the Intellectual Property Course Bite Size

Hallam from Virtuoso Legal shares how research is vital

Charlotte’s Testimonial

The Beginners Guide to Intellectual Property for Artists and Designer is such a time and money saving resource! I will return to it again and again. I recommend it as a valuable investment that will save you so much hassle and money.

As a designer of unique acoustic finishes for interior spaces, this course has been super helpful to obtain a comprehensive overview regarding Intellectual Property – an essential for each creative designer.

The thing I found most helpful was the demystification of a very complex subject. I now know where to go and what to do with regard to current design work, and even more importantly how to plan future design ideas.

Thank you Anna for this insightful resource for the creative community. I recommend it wholeheartedly and encourage each to check it out for yourself.

Daniel’s Testimonial

I’ve had an amazing experience with this course.

IP is really a tricky subject yet a really important one for us creative people and this course is a very beautifully crafted learning tool.

Although the content is a bit complex, it has been presented in a light yet thoroughly engaging manner. I particularly enjoyed the structure and the visual aids, not relying so much on text.

Derrick’s Testimonial

To young and emerging designers, it is really crucial to understand intellectual property and the issues that surround it. Quite unfortunately, it is often brushed over and given little to no attention at all. I found the Amanya course on intellectual property protection very insightful and helpful.

It has given me a very well needed introduction to the world of IP and equipped me with a lot of crucial knowledge around what I need to be aware of and do in relation to my creations. The course offers guidance on what we need to do to safeguard our work and provides insightful advice on our conduct when using other peoples work.

It shines a light into the legal side of design and helps designers be more aware of how they can help prevent their hard work from being disrespected, misused or even stolen. This course is most definitely a powerful introduction to intellectual property and would certainly recommend it to all designers, young and seasoned.


A Beginner’s Guide to Intellectual Property for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners

Lindsay’s Testimonial
I have recently undertaken the Beginners Guide to Intellectual Property for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners course and Anna’s personality of integrity and honesty is very apparent.

The course is very well presented and thoughtfully put together. It is
easy to watch, pause and continue. I didn’t know what to expect but found it easy to follow and understand and dare I say relaxing to watch, with short, bite sized videos.

The course is a great introduction to prepare you to talk to a solicitor or go the D-I-Y route.

Teresa’s Testimonial: 121 Coaching on Course Content

Just wanted to give a big shout out to Anna Brewin who is working with me on my IP stuff.
I have learned so much and feel more confident in preparing my contracts for the training I offer. Anna didn’t ask me to write a testimonial, but she just deserves a big thank you.
I am glad that I can find and work with people who share my values. I realised there is a lot I know already and much more I didn’t know. Being confident in protecting my work makes offering my services even more enjoyable.


Testimonials on the Intellectual Property Courses

Marg shares about her perspective on IP Bite Size

Emily shares parts of Anna’s IP Story Bite Size


Testimonials on Intellectual Property Advice and Help

James’ Testimonial
Anna is very knowledgeable with regards to IP and copyright, in particular within the design / creative industries. She provided me with great advise with regards to an infringement of my rights that I was dealing with. She clearly explained to me my rights, processes I can make to resolve the matter and how to reduce the chance of it happening again.