A fitting tribute to our Dad.
On the 4th December, I’d been asked to be a guest on the podcast at Bradford University, where we were going to talk about Intellectual Property.
We had a very interesting discussion in the cold room that I didn’t even take my coat off in.
The last question they asked me was ‘who is your management hero – personal or professional – the person who has inspired or influenced you the most in your own career?’
I shared that my parents were my management heroes. How they had set an example and inspired me all my life. My dad had left a successful management training position at ICI to do a research project that may or may not come to something. Mum and Dad left Middlesbrough with 2 young children, to follow this opportunity, which led to them starting a business that is still trading today.
Through many ups and downs, the business eventually took off and Mum and Dad stayed connected to Powdrex 52 years later.
As I shared about their influence upon me, especially when I was making the decision to leave my steady part time job to do my business full time, my Dad said, ‘Darling, don’t be surprised if it takes longer than you think. How much money do you have in the bank?’
Those words have been replaying in my ears the last few years as it’s been harder on every level than I ever imagined.
I called Mum and Dad on the way home, Dad was resting, so I told Mum all about it.
Little did I know that Dad would pass away, as he sat next to my Mum on the sofa just over 24 hours later.
He’d been fighting a version of Motor Neuron Disease that had ravaged his body but his mind was sharp and witty throughout. A cruel disease that Dad faced with great courage, bravery and positivity. Mum cared for him 24/7 at the end and stepped back into her nursing role.
To our wonderful Dad, you have shaped and formed the person I am today, giving me a love for business, your tenacity and determination, a love for music and the thrill of conquering hard things. You have been my business mentor helping me walk through many challenges and struggles. My example of godly faith in action, living a life of integrity and honour. My strong, solid, dependable Dad who loved me unconditionally even when we didn’t always see eye to eye. You sacrificed so much to help us learn to fly. You made us laugh so much with your cracking sense of humour, laughing at your own jokes when we didn’t even get them. You created a safe, loving place to call home, a place of shelter from life’s storms.
We will forever be grateful for the gift you were to our family and the impact you have had upon so many lives.
To Dad, we will miss you xx
Here are some memories of him:
The podcast, if you want to listen, is available here:
You can see more about Amanya at my websites:
www.amanyaipcourses.com and www.amanyadesign.com.
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