Hello! I wanted to let you know that I’m going to have a pause on the blogs for a little bit…

I am going through some business changes right now and it’ll be helpful to give that my full attention.

I will be back in touch to share the news with you soon!
You can see more about Amanya at my websites:
and www.amanyadesigncourses.com
For tips, advice and to get a peek into the adventures, be sure to hit the follow button!
Love Anna
Author: Anna Brewin
https://amanyaipcourses.com Anna trained as a designer and learnt about IP along her journey in protecting her own designs. Anna has several trademarks she has registered: 2 in the UK and 1 in the USA as well as her designs being protected in other ways. She is helping people from all walks of life learn how to be IP smart and the courses condense her 1000s of hours of drama, experience and learning as well as £1000's of her money so she can now help others learn from her mistakes. The courses are written in everyday language with real life examples. All the course content is checked and approved by SRA Regulated Legal Firms.