I was doing a business course a while ago and they challenged me to do a Facebook Live for 10 minutes! Ouch!
My 1st try at FB live for my biz was an absolute disaster so the only way was up from there…. If you fancy a giggle, you can see the video here 🙂
Live video is NOT a comfortable place for me – some of you do live all the time but it’s not my media of choice! But I was stepping out of my comfort zone so I gave it another go…
The first thing I shared was about a lesson I’d learnt since leaving my permanent job: Take the first step, the plan will unfold as you step out.
For those of you that haven’t stepped out into business or into any new venture, have lots of doubts and questions and ‘what ifs’ going through your heads, all I want to say to you is ‘Take the first step!’
You may not have the full view of the road ahead but each step you take will lead to the next step. And I have found that when I have stepped out, I’d often find I was meeting people that were key to that moment in time and would help me take the next step or adjust my direction if I was starting to get off track, so go for it.

It might be a small step such as starting to write a blog or starting an Instagram page. At the beginning the whole picture can be really overwhelming, but a bite size chunk could be possible? As Desmund Tutu said “There is only one way to eat an elephant: a bite at a time.”

So the first bite today is to say to yourself, ‘Ok, I’m prepared to take the first step…’and then step out.
You can see more about Amanya at my websites:
www.amanyadesign.com and www.amanyadesigncourses.com
For tips, advice and to get a peek into the adventures, be sure to hit the follow button!
Love Anna